Bobble head
Thursday, December 28, 2006

So I'm sitting here at work. Reading. Oprah's on tv. (Yeah I have a really relaxed job.) And... I just CANNOT keep my head up. I've been getting good sleep (except for the 5 hours lastnight) but I just can't seem to keep myself awake. I look like a bobble head. You know those toys that have the huge heads that just... well... bobble? Yeah what's the point of those anyways?? They don't serve ANY kind of purpose and they're actually pretty ugly. But EVERYONE seems to like them. Anyways... I just thought it was a funny thing I might share with ya'll. I'm so productive at work eh? OH YEAH! Well... I got paid today and realized I have enough money to take if not 2 classes then 1 class at Blinn... IN JANUARY!!! Yeah Thought I had enough for 2... but then I realized my car insurance is due so... yeah. Just pray for me that I might have some way to pay for both. Anyways. Much love, peace and chicken grease.
Christmas Joy
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas.
I know Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year.
But it is easy to get all caught up in the gift giving
and stress over whether you got everything or not.
And when you do that it's easy to let Jesus slip out of Christmas.
I heard that Jesus died to pay for our debt
not to get us into debt.
My brother told me that his girlfriend got onto him
because he texted her "Merry Xmas" and she said
"Don't do that, you're taking the Christ out of Christmas.
We had a "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake.
Just to remind us that He IS the reason for the season.
He holds the key to everything.
It was really a blessing to be around my friends and family.
Especially Katie and Michael who had such
love and a passion for Christ that I just wanna
feed off of their fire.
We opened presents, cooked dinner with the whole family.
I actually baked cookies from scratch guys!!!
We had so much fun with everyone we love.
We ate... played Catch Phrase.
And we praised the Lord together.
This was one of the best Christmases ever.
And it REALLY is a greater joy to give a gift and
see the look on your loved ones face, than it is to receive
gifts. It gives you a fulfilled feeling.
"The joy of Christmas, stays here inside us. Fills
each and every heart with love." -Faith Hill
Merry Belated Christmas
Why is there only 5?
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
So everyone in the LHBC family is posting this "5 things you don't know about me" kinda thing and I'm wondering why there's only 5. I am a VERY complex person and I guess the reason for the number limit is because of people like me, who have LOTS of secrets (teehee, not really). So I will start off with number 1 and end with number 5. Even though I DON'T like to conform and be like EVERYONE else. (maybe I'll add another... we'll just have to see won't we?)
1. I can sing.
and I mean good... now let's not brag, Ashley but seriously if you think Celine Dion is good, wait till you hear me. In my shower at least. Well, ok so I'm not Alicia Keys but I love to sing especially when it's praise music for my wonderful God! I will be trying out for the music ministry team next time around and lets hope I sing as well as I like to sing. I have gotten good reviews at my weekly kareoke night. haha.
2. I'm VERY sarcastic.
And I don't mean to offend anyone. My sarcasm is a joke and most likely a sheild for my insecurities. But I tend to say "you're mom" a lot when it doesn't even apply. Much to my dismay, this joke has backfired on me when I find out a person in my vicinity has lost a mother. I try to just say "your face" now. I'm not talking about "you're momma so ugly..." I don't like insults. I'm talking about totally random, off the wall "you do yoga twice a week?" which is then replied with "You're mom does yoga twice a week". But if my sarcasm ever hurts you (it's never intentional) just tell me to shut my pie hole and I will.
3. My favorite thing is chocolate milk.
And I mean I LOVE this stuff. I don't know what I would do without chocolate milk. Which is weird because I don't like to eat chocolate. just drink it.
4. I watch the same movie about a million times in one night.
When I fall asleep on the couch, I fall asleep watching a movie (usually like Fox and the Hound or something like that) and when it stops, I magically wake up and instead of getting up and going to bed to go to sleep, i get up, press play and lay back down on the couch. This takes a lot of effort. This is why I avoid tv at bed time. I'm so weird I know, it's just a habit.
5. I love kids, absolutely love 'em.
But just like with other people I have to warm up to them. See I like to get on their level. yep, we end up picking our nose together by the end of the day. My favorite thing in the world is to make a kid laugh and that is why I absolutely ADORE my neices and nephews, I can totally act like the biggest goofball around town and do they judge me? no... they laugh and then act a fool with me. Ahhh, if we could only stay this young forever! This is the ministry I really thing God is leading me to. I really want to be a 3rd or 4th grade teacher one day at a Christian School. And the reason I want to teach at a Christian School is because, I can't go 10 minutes without bringing up God to my nieces or nephews, how could I expect myself to go through 6 hours a day not being able to talk about our Savior to the most important people around... they're the future!!!
That about sums it up. Yes I conformed. I only posted 5. But.... you can unfold some more mysteries by just getting to know me. I can always use another friend. So if you love Jesus... hit me up and we'll hang out! :)
God bless!