He's more than enough
Monday, January 22, 2007
He's more than enough
I can't remember who but a friend once told me... sometimes life is like one of those big mosaics made out of little pictures. And when you're standing real close to it, all you see are the hundreds of very small pictures.. but when you step away... The little pictures make one very large beautiful picture. Well... all we see of our life is what's going on right now. God sees the big picture and how he plans to use what's going on in our life right now for our purpose in life and in heaven. I read this devotional today and it was SOOO what I needed to hear and I just thought I'd share it cause it's really good... :) ~Ash
Jesus is Enough
by Sheila Walsh
Living our lives with certain things unresolved is what faith is all about. I believe that many things happen that we simply can't explain. When we look back after many years, we still have little understanding of what went on. But we have the knowledge and assurance that Jesus was there with us through every moment, walking by our side, guiding our footsteps. We never needed to fear the questions, because Jesus was answer enough.
Some of the greatest words Paul ever wrote start with questions: Can anything separate us from the love Christ has for us? Can troubles or problems or sufferings? If we have no food or clothes, if we are in danger, or even if death comes, can any of these things separate us from Christ's love?
Paul's answer is that nothing-absolutely nothing-in this entire world can seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Here is where we must start. Even in the darkest night, the most blinding pain, the most maddening frustration-when nothing makes sense anymore-we keep going because he alone is worth it all.
For years I drank deeply of the false belief that if I just had enough faith, everything would go my way. I thought I had God in a box: I do this for God and He does that for me. But it's not true, and so many lives are caught and wrecked in the wake of this teaching.
*"What did I do wrong?" we cry. Heaven cries back "Everything, but I love you anyway. Always have, always will."
Holding on is hard-it can seem impossible-but it is worth it because Jesus is worth it. No matter what happens, Jesus is enough.
It's over :(
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So me and my boyfriend of 10 months broke up the day before New Years.
It's ok, I mean, it wasn't expected and yeah it'll be hard for a while but...
It's something that needed to happen. I mean our views on God are SOOO different. And that's the main thing that needs to mesh well in a relationship, right?
And I need to spend time focusing on myself, molding myself to be the Christian I wanna be, right?
The only hard part about it is the fact that I've been with him pretty much everyday since I moved back so I haven't really had time to spend with old friends or even make new ones. So it gets a little lonely when I'm sitting at home, for the 4th night in a row with nothing to do.
And I KNOW, I KNOW I'm not alone. I know I have Jesus right there but that's hard to think of when you're so... lonely?! I mean I guess it'll be hard for a while but I really need to get back with some good friends. I need to cultivate some new friendships. And I've been praying for the right ones to build me up. So... pray for me. And I love you guys!