Spring time
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Ok guys, I don't know if you know this but I write poetry. My friend Scott is teaching me how to play guitar and I'm rather good I must say (I played for 3 years a long time ago)... Anyways, long story short, my poetry will one day turn into music. I don't know if any of you are Jack Johnson fans, but my idea for this poem is to have a jack johnson-esque sound to it... beachy and fast tempoed amazingness. Read on dear friend, read on:

The wind's blowin
and the sun is high
I look up to see
not a cloud in the sky
The birds are chirpin'
and trees are green
it's the most beautiful day
I've ever seen
It's spring time
break out the tunes
and stay a while
The water's fine
toes in the sand
and your big smile
I couldn't have planned it
any other way
This season can just set down it's bags
and plan to stay
It's spring time
Head to the park
with your best friend
to throw some frisbee
it's the latest trend
Soak up the rays
sunglasses on
lemonade stands
it's so much fun
It's spring time
break out the tunes
and stay a while
The water's fine
toes in the sand
and your big smile
I couldn't have planned it
any other way
This season can just set down it's bags
and plan to stay
It's spring time
~So... it's kind of a corny little kids soundin song.. but Jack Johnson could pull it off and hopefully I can too when I get this guitar thing down.
Love, Ash
Quiet Time
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ok So I had my first official quiet time this morning. Praise God for friends like Whitney. I get a call 2 SECONDS after my alarm goes off... Praise God for faithful friends cause I would've just been hitting snooze. But I read, and I prayed. And first of all, let me be A.D.D. and change subjects real quick and tell ya'll about how I typed up my prayer lastnight... You know how I've been struggling with prayer? and it really worked. Like, I poured my heart out to God.
SO I began this quiet time with a prayer and I read Psalms 53. I love the Psalms and lastnight Kevin and Whitney mentioned it and for some reason I wrote it down so... I read it and it's so beautiful.
I mean, I know God forgives but... Like I've always thought of me and David as the same person. I mean, I know everything I've done to not deserve my salvation but yet... I know God forgives. And I love how he says in verse 12:
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. 13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you.
Because no matter how much poo we have around our heart, God can change us and the result of that is people see, they take notice of how we've changed and then we can live our lives for God's glory!
Anyways, I will be waking up every morning at 6. YAY! haha, no it really has blessed me today. I've been in a good mood, I haven't had to bite my tongue. It just sets the tone for a wonderful day! Well there you go. I updated my blog. Now you know I'm not dead. :) Love ya'll!
A day in my world
Saturday, February 3, 2007

I know ya'll have all wondered about that mysterious girl Ashley. "What does she do all day that makes her so cool?" "I wish I could just get a glimpse into her daily life." Well, you see, my life is pretty exciting. And I'm gonna offer you just the chance to see what it's really like to be me.
I usually start my day off hitting the snooze button about 4 times. I have to set 3 alarms on my cell phone and 1 on my regular alarm before I'll actually get up. Today I woke up 5 minutes before I had to be at work. AHHH!
Then I get outta bed, sometimes I take a shower and then I read through a little of the good Word, ponder on it a bit, slap a little face paint on and search for some breakfast. Usually I have cereal or milk but never both so i usually just head out like a baby.
I get to work usually 30 seconds late (no biggie). And make the cookies for the day (so I'll have breakfast). I work at The Enclave Apts. I'm kind of a big deal. I have an office with Rich mahogany furniture and many leather bound books. No but really, I'm a leasing agent and it's boring.
Although, this week has been exciting, we got to fold 350 letters and stuff envelopes and lick them and stamp em and mail em. I think I gained like 3 lbs. from all the envelope glue. I was totally psyched cause it kept me busy for 3 hours. And My co-worker got a pit puppy and he's totally cool.
Then somebody comes in and wants to look at an apartment. Ok tell me if you've ever experienced this... It's like, you start a new job and someone asks you a question. And in the back of your head you know it but your manager is standing right there so you look at her like "what's the answer to this?" And on the weekends when she's not here, its totally cool and I can handle everything like a pro. I don't know I guess it's like a dependency thing. Anyways, that's pretty much my day. After work I go home, read, shower, sometimes go to the gym. Breakaway, Hope Group, etc. That's pretty much what makes me ME. So needless to say I have a boring life and boring job. But it's so cool cause right now I'm at work, blogging and watching my favorite movie "10 things I hate about you".
Now if only we had nap time.