Happy Birthday
Friday, March 23, 2007
Birthday's are such a blessing from God. It's a special day for us to be thankful of that person. And a day for that person to be thankful of the days and years that God has given us. I grew up in a religion that didn't believe in celebrating birthday's. But, now that I do celebrate birthdays, I realize it's so much more than a day... It's another year I have blessed people and another year I have had to glorify God. Like Michael and Kevin. I mean we had a BLAST at Chuck E Cheese!!!

They were running around like mad, playing all the video games and dancing with Chuck... oh and the little kids were too.

And this picture doesn't even do justice to the smoke and spit that flew over the cake and into Whitney's face.

Give me til Monday and I'll put the cute little sketch photo booth things of me and KK and me and Michael.
So tonight, I get to go to the Woodlands and see a very dear friend. My sister's best friend since before I was born. Katy... she's a doll and all her kids are too. We are going to a Skate Ministry!
Yeah, someone she knows has 8 acres of skate park behind their house and they do a skate ministry every other friday so... exciting and I get to go to College of Biblical Studies on Saturday to tour it and stuffs! Anyways, have a fantastic weekend and I'll see ya'll on Saturday!
My Hope Group
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I LOVE my Hope Group... Well, ONE of my Hope Groups. I mean I love both of 'em but... I only have pictures from one so here they are. Anyways... yesterday was such a blessing. WOW! God's beauty is ALL around us.

I think we all forget to just look at the little things. OR EVEN the big things! It's all around us. All of God's glory surrounds us everyday. Like my friends... I look at them and see how amazing He is. Because my friends ARE SO AMAZING!!!
I love how we're all family. We can all just cuddle up! We keep eachother cozy!

You can always be cool and invent foot fives like Patrick and I. Don't have a picture of that one, but if I did, it would be awesome!

And Whitney... my dear sweet Whitney. I'd be lost without her. She's so great!

But seriously... the greatest blessing is the beautiful children with their child-like faith.

All of ya'll are a blessing and I'm so thankful for the family God has given me. I love ya'll!!!!!
And Happy birthday to Kevin and Michael!
Sorry it's been so long
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I would say it's been a busy crazy month, but really I've just been lazy and haven't been updating.
Well... relationship week was a blessing. God is so good and I really believe he deepened relationships during that week. My week was full of relationships!
Monday I went to Ignite and got to hang out with Jenny and Ryan Couch.
Tuesday I went to Breakaway (not with LH people but with friends from Grace)
Wednesday I got to go to The Freeman's for dinner. That was a lot of fun.
Thursday I hung out all day with my mentor Kaylene. I love her. We didn't do much. Tried to put a baby bed together. But didn't have instructions. While guys may not need instructions, GIRLS DO! Anyways, then later that night I went and ate dinner with Kathryn and the boys. Man, was that good. God showed me how much me and her are alike. Our testimonies are pretty similar.
Friday-Sunday... it's been too long I don't remember exactly what I did... BUT IT WAS A BLESSING! Haha
Then, ya'll might know I've been looking for roomies... GIRL roomies, CHRISTIAN GIRL roomies :) and well, on Facebook, there's a Living Hope Group and there was a post for a roommate needed. So I contacted the girl (Tara) and went and saw the place. I haven't met my soon to be roommates but in May, I'm moving in with Kim and Kendall and I'll be right down the street from Wolf Pen Creek... MY FAVORITE PARK! Praise God I can walk down there and spend my quiet time in the park! YAY!
Anyways... then Spring Break hit. Wow... I can honestly say, God showed me in HUGE HUGE ways that Christian fellowship is NECESSARY in your walk with God. My LHBC friends all left for Spring Break so... I was hanging out with my "usual crowd" all week. I was like "PARTY!!!!"... I used the free time (that I could have been using to get to know God better or to teach others of him) to party and go wild! I mean, seriously. Then lastnight... I was reading my notes from a few Breakaway's ago and it said "If you want everything to be the same way it's been forever, keep living how you've been living. But if you want to live an ABUNDANT life, let Jesus live it for you." And I realized I'm falling into the same trap that I've been stuck in for my whole life. The one that when I found Jesus... I was like "WHOA, he can totally take all this away?" welllll... if I let him.
Anyways, I went to a new Hope Group lastnight. I was really like sad that I might be leaving my Hope Group cause I love ya'll sooooooo much... but the Tipton's are awesome and everyone in that Hope Group is soo great! And I was scared that I might not know anyone but Katy Fuller was there so I was really excited! So, Saturday is my first official day in Children's ministry and I'm so stoked! I can't wait to see what God's doing in these kids lives and how he's going to use me in the big picture. And I know I'll learn a lot from these kiddos. PRAY FOR ME! haha! See you guys tonight.


OH! Almost forgot. I got my lip pierced :) It's oh so cute. And I was scared I might have to take it out for Children's ministry but I asked Howard "Is this going to be a problem?" and he says "Is what goin to be a problem?" and I pointed to my lip ring and he was like "you might be able to reach someone I could never reach with that so no it's not a problem at all!" Praise God I can make a witness with my piercings HAHA! K guys, love you!