
Here's a little bite of what's playing on my iPod a lot lately.
Press play below for a little musical pleasure...
courtesy of moi!
This song reminds me of a trip to New Mexico when me and my daddy went to the guitar shop together. If you don't listenn, you're missing out!
Enjoy the looooove 'Tis so good.
It's me
Some call me A.D.D or A.Dizzle
I love God. I am majoring in Communications. I plan on going to University of Texas at Austin.
The most amazing city in Texas. I want to travel.
I want to be in the music business.I live with roommates. I don't support myself, God does. I go to Living Hope Baptist Church. I'm a Christian. Even though I go to a Baptist Church, I don't label myself a religion. I have a relationship with Him... that's what really matters. I've lived many places. I have a vivid imagination. I play guitar but not well, I'm learning. Music is my heart and soul.
I don't think I could live without a soundtrack to my life. You will read [in this blog] some of the lyrics to my life. Music is poetry with the melody of life attached to it. I ♥ it!
I go by this motto: Dance like no one is watching!
Quotes && Links

"Life would be so boring if we all had the same perspective" -Me, yeah I said that!
"Imagine how big the ocean would be if all the sponges didn't live there"
"Have you ever wondered if an epileptic person could go into a seizure from seeing cop lights in his rear view? I mean that's a good excuse to get out of a ticket!"-My mind works in nmysterious ways
"Tho much Kreethmath love cheerth. not Kreethmath, Balumtinth!"

James 5:16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."
::My sister has overactive white blood cells which could mean Leukemia or just an infection, pray for health.
::My brother and his new family and finding peace with his ex in order to have a stable family life with his children.
::My management of stress and time and money.
::Continued growth in the Lord.
Long lost friends and new acquaintances
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Oh man how I miss some old friends!
It's so good to see long lost friends.

It's really hard when people lose touch. Especially ones who were so close! Tiffany and K Lowe and I were all best buds. It's just been way too long. I've been talking to them a little more and I just wanted to rejoice for my time I get to spend with them (even if it's on the phone) they are truly amazing girls and I love them!
But I have to say I have acquired some amazing new buddies too. Here's a few I've gained over the past 6 months or so....
My new roomies, Kyndall Rutherford, Amanda White, Courtney Gainer, Kim Sarmiento (not pictured) and Kirsten Wingate

and my new dear dear brothers who look after me :) I love you guys!
Garrett (Who I determined was a "fungi" (fun-guy) today) and Ryan Wilson

and Chris Godwin

and Paul Smith

Miss Bailey Brown

Danielle Aviles, and Ashley Norville (pictured below)

And all of us playing Sewer Rats ("The grass is LAVA!!!")

Dear Chadley

and had to throw this one in of my cute little nieces (minus Mattie). I regret to infor you all that I don't have a picture of my dear Maddie Worley but hopefully soon I will be posting one.
Prayer works
Monday, October 22, 2007
I just want to share with everyone what happened last night.
I have been in somewhat of a valley lately. I'm in one of those low times where I feel like God is soooooo far away from me. I feel like no matter how I reached for Him, I wasn't trying hard enough. I felt like He had given up on me. But I had always heard others say He never gives up so I knew that wasn't true.
So I prayed. I prayed for God to show me what I needed to do to get back to that relationship we had in the beginning. When I was totally intoxicated in love with Jesus. I wanted to run toward Him but I was mentally, emotionally and spiritually drained. I was trying to do everything on my own. My life had become VERY religious and not very relational. I told God I didn't know what it looked like to give my life over to Him and give Him all my junk to take care of. I wanted to trade my ashes for beauty (Isa. 61:1-3) but I didn't know how. So I asked Him to show me.
I have put off my homework for the entire weekend and on Monday night at 7:30 when I sit down to do my homework, I get this overwhelming feeling of massive stress hit me in the face. So I go to my room and pray for a minute and God says... "put it off some more, go to Ignite." For those of you who don't know, Ignite is an on campus Monday night meeting of worship and lesson for on or off campus people. So I say to God "but I have so much homework" and He says "I don't care, go to Ignite." So I go.
So I get there and they jump right into the lesson. No music, no singing to the Lord which (if you haven't been) is amazing at Ignite. So the selfish me was saying "I wanted to worship God, I wanted to sing to Him, I I I I..." and then I said to myself... "Self, shutup, God brought you here for a reason."
So I listen with a lot of anxiousness about my homework. and the lesson is about "The way we should then walk" and suddenly my prayer...
My prayer comes back to me and I see that God wanted me here at this very moment to hear what he wanted of me. Will (the speaker) was saying how walking with God wasn't hard, it was very simple but we make it hard because we have all these other things that we don't want to give up because selfishly we are seeking after our own motives and desires. All that walking with God requires is obeying Him. Now, I have a hard time fathoming this concept because I never was one to behave from the time I was like 1 up until today when I turned in homework late. We're sinners. It's engraved in our soul. But you know what??? Our sins our engraved in Jesus' hands. We don't have to have tremendous guilt weighing on us because Jesus conquered it all. Jesus is the only way. Jesus is the reason. We cannot sit here for one second and think "I can conquer that addiction, i can give those things up" NO! Jesus though, JESUS has the power to conquer those things for us! And He already has, we just have to trust Him. He talked about how walking with God is a sweet, sweet thing. He said "What do friends do? What do lovers do? They walk" and it's not a boring walk. You don't JUST walk. You walk and talk and grow and love and seek and experience and hope for more.
He said that we don't just stand in front of a pathway and dissect it and think of all these ways around it. If there's a path in front of us it doesn't mean just stand there and stare. We take it don't we?
He also talked about how if our fleshly dad asked us to do something like take out the trash, we wouldn't ask him the who what why where when and how. That would get annoying. In the same way we should obey our heavenly Daddy. And he'll ask us to do much more adventurous things than taking out the trash :)
I wish I had the specific scriptures he quoted. I came unprepared and didn't write anything down but man, there is powerful stuff in the word of God. I should've written this last night when it was all so fresh in my mind because now I feel like I'm getting no where with this and my brain is quickly turning to mush. It's almost 1 am and I'm sleepy and I should go to sleep.
But let me just share this.
God called me to break up with John last night. I didn't want to and I'm still kind of bummed about it all. But I know it was right. And I did it. It feels good to take a step in obedience. I feel good knowing I've at least taken one step with my God.
You can check Ignite out at
Or come with me on Monday nights at 7:30!
G'nite y'all!
Matrimonial Bliss
Saturday, October 13, 2007
4 MONTHS??? 4 months since my last blog. That's ridiculous. I should be beaten. This one is just to show MY love to the newly married/about to be married people that are in my life. I guess October and November are happenin months for people to get married because I have 4 to go to.
One of which I am a bridesmaid in, today!
A couple weeks ago was my brothers to his BEAUTIFUL bride and one of my closest friends. Presenting Chris and Rachel Driskell

Today is the wedding of Justin and Katherine Joslin

Next weekend I will be attending the wedding of my best friend from High School. Victoria Englemann and Tony Ruiz

And another very near and dear set of friends, Leslie Simpson and Brett Carsey who will be wed on Nov 10th

And my dearest Momo, bestest guy friend EVER!... Brian Patrick Moran and Jen Worley are getting married in Nov.

I just want to tell you all how VERY much you mean to me! I love you and wish all of you long and extremely happy lives. And I hope to be a part of them all. I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR BABIES HAHA!!!!
Love you guys!