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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
Here's a little bite of what's playing on my iPod a lot lately.Press play below for a little musical pleasure...
courtesy of moi!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This song reminds me of a trip to New Mexico when me and my daddy went to the guitar shop together. If you don't listenn, you're missing out!
Enjoy the looooove 'Tis so good.

It's me
Ashley Some call me A.D.D or A.Dizzle I love God. I am majoring in Communications. I plan on going to University of Texas at Austin.The most amazing city in Texas. I want to travel. I want to be in the music business.I live with roommates. I don't support myself, God does. I go to Living Hope Baptist Church. I'm a Christian. Even though I go to a Baptist Church, I don't label myself a religion. I have a relationship with Him... that's what really matters. I've lived many places. I have a vivid imagination. I play guitar but not well, I'm learning. Music is my heart and soul. I don't think I could live without a soundtrack to my life. You will read [in this blog] some of the lyrics to my life. Music is poetry with the melody of life attached to it. I ♥ it! I go by this motto: Dance like no one is watching!

Quotes && Links
"Life would be so boring if we all had the same perspective" -Me, yeah I said that!

"Imagine how big the ocean would be if all the sponges didn't live there"

"Have you ever wondered if an epileptic person could go into a seizure from seeing cop lights in his rear view? I mean that's a good excuse to get out of a ticket!"-My mind works in nmysterious ways

"Tho much Kreethmath love cheerth. not Kreethmath, Balumtinth!"


In case you don't know.... archives is a place where I keep old blogs.
December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 June 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008

Fellow Bloggers

Maddie Moo
KK and CarCar
Kutie Kathryn
The Delightful Duty's
The Couch's couches
Happy Hendricks
Muffin Man [is gettin married!]
The Beautiful Bacak's
My little brother Michael
Silly Sara
Lil Miss Sydni
Shane Bernard
Dilly Dally Dwyer
Cody and Chelsea Groves
Roomie Amanda

James 5:16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

This week please pray for:
::My sister has overactive white blood cells which could mean Leukemia or just an infection, pray for health.
::My brother and his new family and finding peace with his ex in order to have a stable family life with his children.
::My management of stress and time and money.
::Continued growth in the Lord.
::Patience and Mild-temperedness.

Still a Fishy
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So school is back in. Journey with me, if you will, on the first week of mine.

I'm still classified as a Freshman for another 13 hours, which will be done at the end of this semester. I'm ready to be a sophomore. At age 21, it is assumed that I'm a slacker. I took 4 years off and while I may LOOK like the average freshman (I think not) when people ask me my "classification" (which in high school was considered my "grade") I still must say (to my dismay) "Freshman."

As a freshman, at age 21, I have gained the freshman 15 that we've all heard about. I also gained that when I graduated high school. So a total of 30 since high school. I hold no grudges against my body believing I'm a freshman twice. I mean, I did send it spiraling into a misconception that I was a college freshman twice. I did take 1 class... 3 1/2 years ago. So it is MY fault. But the sadness of slipping into a jean size almost half my age when I'm used to it being the size of my age at Kindergarten (5)... now that's sad. But nonetheless, this blog is not aimed to fish for compliments because I am happy with the curves I was blessed with.

I begin my journey on a Monday at 7:45. Enter Spanish class. I will learn to love the people in this class for I will see them 4 times a week for the next few months as they listen to me attempt to speak a language so far from my native tongue my chihuahua can speak it better than I.

First day seems to be going good. I go have lunch with my darling roommate whom I've pet named "Kiki" since high school for reasons beyond my knowledge. I go home and grab my books for the next class and head off to the next momentary intake of facts. As I'm driving to Blinn jamming out to my new favorite song "Beautiful" by Bethany Dillon, I glanced at my schedule to see the building I will be gracing with my presence so as to know where to park on the HUMONGOUS campus of Blinn.

"Wait, there's no building letter" I think to myself.
So I proceed to do what every other FRESHMAN would do and call up to Blinn and find out what's really goin on. The woman proceeds to tell me, 15 MINUTES BEFORE MY CLASS, mind you, that is on the A&M campus. Now, if you know me, you know I have no knowledge whatsoever of that campus because I aim to be a Texas Longhorn so WHY EVER would I set foot on the fiery furnace that is A&M campus? I immediately panic.

"What did you do to me?" I asked Ryan... He and Garrett recommended this teacher to me.
"I don't know where on A&M this class is"
Ryan then tells me that it was at Blinn when he attended. SO I call EVERYONE that I know at A&M and no one answers and one who does tells me that it's on the west campus..... and I'm supposed to know that.

"Mommy.... where's West campus and how do I get there?"
my mother used to work at A&M and she now lives in Mexico. She helped me. Courtney called me back and told me where to catch the bus. I pass through my old place of employment to grab a beverage. Caramel Macchiatto to be exact and I get it on the house thanks to the lovely Jen who loves me so much! So one and a half hours, one free Caramel Macchiatto, and my first A&M bus ride later, I reach my destination. I was relieved but... class was over.

Have I mentioned HOW BEAUTIFUL a man in a Corps uniform is? Wow, I mean, minus the little cafeteria lookin' hat (what's up with that) Corps boys have got it goin on.

So since I get to see this everyday walking to class, I have no complaints. All in all, it's been a pretty fun adventurous week. All I can say is Gig 'Em Corps Boys and HOOK 'EM HORNS!!!

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Happy 21st to me!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Happy 21st Birthday me!!!

This isn't why I'm writing though. I'm writing because I am thankful. My mom sent me this song this morning and said "My present to you is all the stars in the sky so when you look at them tonight, so will I and we weill be together." She lives in Mexico.

I just want to say I'm thankful for the stars. I'm thankful for friends who care. I'm thankful for a loving God who doesn't give up on us when we've made our millionth mistake. I'm thankful for my puppy, my family and my job.

I'm thankful for new friends and old. I'm thankful for the ones who keep me accountable, the ones who build me up. I'm thankful that I've been in love. I'm thankful for laughter. I'm thankful for when lost friends are saved.

I'm thankful for the facial and massage I'm about to get :)
I'm thankful for all the new friends I've made this year (see previous post). I'm thankful for food and shelter. I am definitely thankful for this country where we freely serve the God we love. I'm thankful for the martyrs who give their life for God.
I am thankful for turquoise and dolphins, macaroni and cheese, chinese food, decorations, ice skating, LONGHORNS, otters, my favorite bands, band aids, windex. I'm thankful for dirt, stickers, milk, books, shoes, clothes, jewelry. I'm thankful for HAIR DYE! I'm thankful for scarves, cold weather, hot weather, the beach, the Bible, I'm thankful for the first time I saw my parents, the first time I went to Living Hope, the first time I met you.

I'm thankful for Six Flags, car insurance, college, smells, my ipod, SHANE AND SHANE!, I'm thankful for the internet :)

I'm thankful for Butch and his honesty and love for the Body.
I'm thankful for the fact that I have all these things and some others out there aren't as fortunate. But I'm also thankful for hope. I'm thankful that all these things don't matter. I'm thankful for THE PROMISE! I'm thankful for HEAVEN and the FUTURE and JESUS' BLOOD! Thank you Lord!!!

Psalm 25:7

Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD.

Ecclesiastes 11:9
Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth.

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
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Long lost friends and new acquaintances
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Oh man how I miss some old friends!

It's so good to see long lost friends.

It's really hard when people lose touch. Especially ones who were so close! Tiffany and K Lowe and I were all best buds. It's just been way too long. I've been talking to them a little more and I just wanted to rejoice for my time I get to spend with them (even if it's on the phone) they are truly amazing girls and I love them!

But I have to say I have acquired some amazing new buddies too. Here's a few I've gained over the past 6 months or so....

My new roomies, Kyndall Rutherford, Amanda White, Courtney Gainer, Kim Sarmiento (not pictured) and Kirsten Wingate

and my new dear dear brothers who look after me :) I love you guys!

Garrett (Who I determined was a "fungi" (fun-guy) today) and Ryan Wilson

and Chris Godwin

and Paul Smith

Miss Bailey Brown

Danielle Aviles, and Ashley Norville (pictured below)

And all of us playing Sewer Rats ("The grass is LAVA!!!")

Dear Chadley

and had to throw this one in of my cute little nieces (minus Mattie). I regret to infor you all that I don't have a picture of my dear Maddie Worley but hopefully soon I will be posting one.

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